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Panic Bars

alpharetta locksmith Panic Bars Panic bars are locking devices that are placed on the interior side of commercial building and business doors. Panic bars are locking devices that are placed on the interior side of commercial building and business doors. I

Panic Bars: The Basics

Using a panic bar is much simpler and quicker compared to using a doorknob. Panic bars simply need to be pushed in for the door swing open. One can push the bar on the door with just a small amount of force and the door will swing open and outward. The action inherent in panic bars allows for quick evacuation in the event of an emergency. With traditional doors and locks, the door may swing inward or the door may not open quickly in a way that lets lots of people leave at once. Before the use of panic bars, there were several tragic events that happened that could have been prevented or made less severe had panic bars and other safety measures been in place. Ultimately, these events influenced international and national building safety laws and highlighted why panic bars are necessary for large meeting spaces, commercial buildings, and businesses.

The History Behind Panic Bars and Building Safety

The Victoria Hall Disaster in 1883 in Sutherland, England was the first major event that marked the beginning of the end of poor building safety standards. That fateful day, a performance was put on for over 1,000 children. It was not until the very end of the performance that pandemonium broke loose after the performers promised a prize to the first children to reach the back exit. Of course, the children rushed to the bottom of the hall’s staircase that led to the only exit. Once at the bottom of the stairs, it was discovered that the door not only opened inward, but only left enough space for one child to slip through to the other side at a time. As you can imagine, the resulting stampede and build-up of children all trying to leave the exit at once led to many severe injuries and the death of over 180 children.

The second incident occurred in the United States in Chicago in 1903. During a stage performance at the Iroquois Theatre, one of the stage curtains caught fire, promoting thousands of attendees to flee to the building’s only exit. Since the Theatre was already hundreds of people past its recommended capacity at the time of the fire, escape was nearly impossible. Over 600 people ultimately perished as a result of this fire and the lack of safety measures put in place.

The last and final incident that led to the international and national change to building safety standards also occurred in the United States. The Collinwood School Fire claimed the lives of 175 individuals and remains one of the deadliest school fires in our nation’s history to this day. When the fire broke out in the school on March 4, 1908, one of the two exits to the school was immediately blocked. With only one exit available, students and faculty rushed towards it all at once. A bottleneck effect than ensued, making it impossible for anyone to pass. The tragedy led to a national outcry, calling for a change in poor building regulations and safety measures currently in place.

Panic Bars Save Lives

Although they are wholly difficult to imagine and read about, the disasters described above were a result of poorly managed buildings, lack of occupancy standards, and the absence of panic bar devices. If you are a building owner, you should take heed of the warnings offered over 100 years ago that make it clear that panic bars are necessary, in addition to safety measures that will keep people safe.

To avoid the same catastrophes experienced throughout history that led up to the standards surrounding building safety laws, always make sure there are panic bars present in your building and that they are working as they should. Poorly placed or functioning panic bars may do more harm than good in the event of an emergency, so it is important to have a professional locksmith come in and periodically check your panic bar placement and quality. Taking the time to have your panic bars professionally maintained could mean the difference between life and death. Do not let a broken panic bar or one that is not working well go unattended for long. Take care of any necessary installations or repairs you made need ASAP to help protect your employees and any customers that may come inside.

Do Not Skip Panic Bars!

There is no doubt that panic bars help to save lives and are a necessary addition to any commercial property or public building. As a business owner, you will need to make sure you are following all of the necessary building safety and fire regulations that are applicable to your property. If you are unsure whether or not you may need panic bars or have more questions about how they operate or why they are needed, be sure to contact a local locksmith near your business. A locksmith in your area will be well-acquainted with any local and national safety standards that must be followed by businesses in the area.

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