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Garage Door Locks and Other Security Measures

alpharetta locksmith Garage Door LocksMost families that own garages take full advantage of their benefits. More than just one’s vehicles are often kept stowed away in a garage. You may have boxes of Christmas decorations or other seasonal items kept on shelves. Or you may be like a lot of homeowners and use a portion of your garage for tools and other items to help you maintain your home and residential projects. Whatever uses you personally get out of your garage, what you store in there is, no doubt, important to you and your loved ones.

Keeping your garage safe is an important component of home security that homeowners should not neglect. There are plenty of practical and inexpensive solutions that you can use today to help increase your garage security. To make sure your garage and the items within that you hold dear remain secure, follow the garage security tips below.

Install a Garage Door Lock

One of the best ways you and your family can increase your garage security is to install a garage door lock. Specialty garage door locks are made to help you secure your garage. Especially for non-automatic garages that do not have motors, getting an extra lock for your garage door may be a necessity.

For non-automatic garage doors that do not have a locking mechanism built in, t-handle locks are very popular. You have likely seen these on garage doors. They sit in the center and at the bottom of a garage door and work with a regular key. They are shaped like a letter “t”, thus giving them their fitting name. The specific shape allows you to easily grab the door handle and pull up to open the garage.

A second popular option is a simple sliding garage door lock, which is also made for non-automatic garage doors. Slide locks are very affordable and simple to install. They work as their name implies and a small level can be pushed to the side when positioned on the garage door correctly to prevent the garage door from being lifted. These locks are placed on the inside of the garage, as opposed to t-handle locks.

Make Sure the Entry Door is Locked

Whether or not you have a garage attached to your home, it is likely you have a traditional door on your garage to be used for entry and exit. For attached homes, this door will lead directly into your home and you may even have a second door exiting from the garage to the side of your home. For unattached garages, the idea is the same, but you may only have one traditional door leading to and from the garage. No matter what kind of model garage you have or how many traditional doors are on the garage, you should always make sure you lock these doors anytime you are not actively going to and from the garage and house.

Deadbolt locks, along with a standard knob lock, are often used for garage entry doors. If your door leading to your garage does not have a deadbolt lock, regardless if it is unattached or attached, it is strongly recommended to have one professionally installed. A weak knob or lock will not leave your garage protected, since thieves often look for vulnerable locks that cannot withstand break-ins. Having a deadbolt not only acts as a deterrent, but it also helps keep your garage door secure from unwarranted entry.

Install Floodlights or Other Lighting Outside

Other than installing locks to your garage door and any entry and exit doors, you can always install extra lighting. Floodlights or automatic lights are an affordable, yet effective way to increase security around your garage. Proper lighting will ensure that no one can sneak around your garage or pick your garage door lock in the dark. Better lighting around your garage will not only give you peace of mind, but ward off any potential criminals from seeing your home or garage as a target for a robbery.

Upgrade to the Latest Technology

If a more advanced option is more your style, there are ways to incorporate technology in with your garage to help increase your security. Smartphone applications and adjoining hardware can be used in tandem with just about any garage door to help give you complete control. These smart garage door openers allow you to open and close your garage door remotely, among other features you may find helpful for you and your family.

They are easily installed and set up by a professional and are compatible with most phones and internet providers. Smart garage door openers can also be used right away once they have been properly programmed, so if needing heightened security immediately is a concern, you should be able to have one installed and ready as soon as possible. You can set up notifications to be sent directly to your phone to be alerted whenever the garage door has been opened or shut. Even when you are not home, you will be alerted of any strange activity with your garage door or be able to stay on top of the day-to-day movements of your family members and children.

Receive the Help You Need Today!

For any garage door lock questions or concerns you may have, be sure to get in touch with a certified locksmith. You will also want to make sure to get your garage door lock installed by a professional to make sure your garage door is truly secure.

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